Another WSA paper: The relationship between student participation and students’ self-perceived action competence for sustainability in a Whole School Approach

Over the past few years I have been working with colleagues both at Wageningen University and at the Norwegian Life Sciences University (NMBU) on researching the potential merits of so-called Whole School and/or Whole Institution Approaches (WSA/WIA) to sustainability. At NMBU there are currently four PhD projects related to this. One of the PhD candidates I am working with is Ane Thorsdottir who focusses on one aspect of the WSA which is critically important: students participation. A paper of which she is the lead researcher and lead author just came out in Environmental Education Research (open access). In the paper students’ self-perceived action competence within a WSA is a central topc. Here is the abstract:

Here is the full reference and a link to the full paper:

Ane Eir Torsdottir, Daniel Olsson, Astrid Tonette Sinnes & Arjen Wals (2024) The relationship between student participation and students’ self-perceived action competence for sustainability in a whole school approach, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2024.2326462

Just out: Exploring spiritual values in forest management practices in the Netherlands

On April 16th 2024 my most Senior PhD-student Catharina de Pater will defend here theis titled ‘ Today one of her chapters got published in Elsevier’s ‘Trees, Forests and People’ – an intriguing peer-reviewed journal. The paper’s title is: Exploring spiritual values in forest management practices in the Netherlands. It was a pleasure working with Cathrien and co-supervisor Bas Verschuren on her PhD-work in general and on this paper in particular. The paper is open-access and available to all.

Catharina de Pater, Bas Verschuuren, Sonja Greil, Arjen Wals, Exploring spiritual values in forest management practices in the Netherlands, Trees, Forests and People, 2024,

Here is the link to the paper:

Here are some main highlights: